Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Documentos para viajar por avión dentro de EEUU
Documentos para viajar por avià ³n dentro de EEUU Si te encuentras en Estados Unidos y quieres volar dentro del paà s en un vuelo domà ©stico, debes conocer cul es la documentacià ³n que se acepta como identificacià ³n, conocida en inglà ©s como I.D., para que te permitan embarcar en un avià ³n. En este artà culo tambià ©n se explica cules son los requisitos para los nià ±os, para los extranjeros visitantes y tambià ©n, en el caso de los indocumentados, las reglas que aplican sobre sus licencias de manejar. Por à ºltimo, tambià ©n se informa sobre quà © hacer si ha habido un cambio de nombre y no coincide el del I.D. con el del boleto de avià ³n y quà © hacer si se olvida la documentacià ³n en casa. Documentacià ³n aceptada para volar dentro de Estados Unidos Las reglas bsicas las establece la Transportation Security Administration, conocido tambià ©n por sus siglas en inglà ©s de TSA. El I.D. para volar debe tener una foto de la persona y su nombre completo. Segà ºn la TSA estos son los I.D. que los adultos, es decir, las personas mayores de 18 aà ±os, pueden utilizar para volar. Pasaporte de los Estados UnidosTarjeta de pasaporte de los Estados UnidosTarjeta del programa Trusted Traveler, tipo Global Entry, SENTRY, FAST o NEXUS.Un I.D. militar para soldados, oficiales, veteranos o sus familiares, aunque à ©stos se encuentren en el paà s en situacià ³n de indocumentados. Tambià ©n puede ser utilizado por civiles empleados por el Departamento de DefensaTarjeta de residencia permanente, tambià ©n conocida como green card.Visa lser, tambià ©n conocida como tarjeta de cruce de fronteras o BCC. Aquà hay que respetar las millas que esta visa permite adentrarse dentro del territorio de Estados Unidos.Licencias de manejar reconocidas por el Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS) como mejoradas. Es lo que se conoce como Enhanced Drivers Licenses, que sirven para manejar, como I.D. y tambià ©n como prueba de ciudadanà a americana. Las emiten los estados de Michigan, Minnesota, Nueva York, Vermont y Washington.Licencia de manejar de un estado o terri torio de Estados Unidos, como por ejemplo Puerto Rico, u otras tarjetas de identificacià ³n emitidas por el Departamento de Vehà culos de dicho estado para ser utilizadas como I.D. Pasaporte extranjero, si bien con las limitaciones que se explican ms abajoI.D .emitido por una de las naciones tribales de Estados UnidosLicencia de manejar de una de las provincias de Canad o de sus naciones tribales.Acreditacià ³n de trabajador en el sector del transporte (TWIC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s)I.D. emitidos por un aeropuerto o una aerolà nea y que cumplan con los requisitos del plan de seguridad de la TSA, la agencia federal encargada de estos asuntos.Tarjeta HSPD 12 PIV, de verificacià ³n de identidad de empleados federales. Quà © documentos no se pueden utilizar como I.D. para volar Entre otros, no pueden utilizarse los siguientes documentos. La matrà cula consular no est admitida expresamente en el listado de la TSA. Si bien es cierto que algunos inmigrantes aseguran haber volado con ella, especialmente hace aà ±os. Si quieres volar con una matrà cula consular, tienes que saber que asumes un riesgo. Para ms detalles, se recomienda leer ms abajo en la seccià ³n dedicada a migrantes indocumentados. Tampoco pueden utilizarse las licencias de armas, ni las tarjetas de bibliotecas, de universidad o de escuela, etc. Reglas para los extranjeros temporalmente en Estados Unidos Si ests en Estados Unidos como turista o temporalmente o como trabajador asegà ºrate de llevar siempre contigo el pasaporte para volar. Asegurarse de que se est en estatus legal, ya que si al verificar el I.D. el empleado de la TSA cree que ese no es el caso se puede llamar a un oficial migratorio de la CBP y pasar a una segunda inspeccià ³n para que decida sobre la situacià ³n. Los estudiantes deben llevar, adems del pasaporte, el documento que se conoce como I-20 y las personas con una visa de intercambio J-1 el DS-2019 ya que si no lo tienen podrà a impedà rsele volar, retrasar el vuelo o hacerle preguntas adicionales.  ¿Se puede volar con las licencias de manejar para indocumentados? Varios estados emiten licencias de manejar a inmigrantes sin estatus legal. Algunos, los menos, son exactamente iguales a los del resto de conductores. Sin embargo, en ciertos estados esas licencias son diferentes y se emiten con limitaciones como no para uso oficial, con restricciones federales, no para uso federal y similares. En teorà a no se puede volar con esas licencias. Pero se est reportando que sà se ha volado.  ¿Cà ³mo debe interpretarse esto? Que si se quiere intentar volar con ese tipo de I.D. hay que conocer los riesgos. En otras palabras, es posible que al llegar al aeropuerto se puede impide volar o, en casos graves, se llame a un oficial migratorio. Es decir, se puede derivar a una persona a la segunda inspeccià ³n con la CBP, tambià ©n conocida como Policà a fronteriza. E incluso se puede llamar al ICE, la agencia encargada de ejecutar las leyes migratorias federales. Es especialmente importante tener en consideracià ³n que los controles y la verificacià ³n del estatus migratorio es ms comà ºn en los aeropuertos cercanos a la frontera con Mà ©xico, por ejemplo McAllen, en Texas. Tambià ©n es de gran relevancia evitar estos riesgos si previamente se ha sido deportado, ya que aquà los problemas pueden ser muy graves. Cada uno debe tomar las decisiones por sà mismo, conocer las posibilidades y tambià ©n los riesgos. Quiz es conveniente consultar con un abogado o una organizacià ³n de apoyo a inmigrantes. Y evitar vuelos que pasan sobre aguas o territorios internacionales, como viajes a Alaska, Hawaii o Puerto Rico. I.D. para volar en vuelos domà ©sticos para menores de 18 aà ±os Los nià ±os menores de 18 aà ±os que viajan con sus padres o tutores no necesitan I.D. Pero es recomendable llevar el certificado de nacimiento para probar la edad cuando por su aspecto fà sico pueda sospecharse que ya alcanzaron la mayorà a de edad. Adems, antes de salir para el aeropuerto comprobar con la là nea aà ©rea si tienen requisitos especiales para menores en cuanto a identificacià ³n. Ya que las compaà ±Ãƒ as puedes establecer requisitos adicionales.  ¿Quà © pasa si se ha olvidado la identificacià ³n en casa? Ser posible volar si es posible establecer la identidad de otro modo, como por ejemplo utilizando bases de datos pà ºblicas. Si no es posible, no se permitir el embarca al avià ³n.  ¿Quà © hacer cuando se ha cambiado el nombre? Uno de los requisitos para poder volar es que totalmente coincidan el nombre en el I.D. y en la tarjeta de embarque, conocido en inglà ©s como boarding pass. A veces puede suceder que no sea asà , por ejemplo, en casos de matrimonio con cambio de apellido. En estos casos y semejantes es necesario llevar el certificado de matrimonio o la orden judicial en la que se autoriza al cambio. De interà ©s para inmigrantes que viajan Antes de volar, asegurarse de saber quà © est permitido y prohibido llevar en el equipaje de mano. Asimismo, si se viaja al extranjero, cules son los documentos que puede utilizar un ciudadano americano para regresar a USA y cules son los requisitos para los nià ±os que viajan sin sus padres. Y, finamente, tener en cuenta que cuando volar por avià ³n no es una opcià ³n, hay que saber que tambià ©n puede haber controles migratorios internos (retenes) en las carreteras en el interior de Estados Unidos.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Animal Farm Study Guide
Animal Farm Study Guide Published in 1945, George Orwells Animal Farm tells the story of a group of farm animals who stage a revolution and take over their farm. The revolution begins with principled idealism, but its pig leaders become increasingly corrupt. They soon turn to manipulation and propaganda in order to maintain power and control, and the farm becomes a totalitarian regime. With this narrative, Orwell creates a searing political allegory about the failures of the Russian Revolution. Fast Facts: Animal Farm Author: George OrwellPublisher: Secker and WarburgYear Published: 1945Genre: Political allegoryType of Work: NovelOriginal Language: EnglishThemes: Totalitarianism, corruption of ideals, the power of languageCharacters: Napoleon, Snowball, Squealer, Boxer, Mr. JonesFun Fact: Inspired by the cynical donkey in Animal Farm, George Orwell’s friends gave him the nickname Donkey George. Plot Summary Old Major, an elderly boar living on Manor Farm, gathers all the other farm animals for a meeting. He tells them about a dream in which all beasts are free, and he encourages them to organize and rebel against humans. A few days later, when the the cruel and incompetent farmer Mr. Jones abuses the animals, the animals organize a revolt, led by two pigs named Napoleon and Snowball. They succeed at driving Mr. Jones off of the farm. Initially, Snowball and Napoleon work together. Snowball establishes the philosophy of Animalism, and the seven animal commandments (including All animals are equal) are painted on the side of the barn. When Mr. Jones returns with some human allies in an effort to reclaim the farm, the animals, led by Snowball, drive them away in a glorious victory. The power-hungry Napoleon begins to undermine Snowball and eventually chases him away altogether. Napoleon slowly takes on the corrupt behaviors and habits of the humans that the revolution once opposed. Squealer, Napoleons second-in-command, alters the commandments painted on the barn to reflect these changes. A simple-minded, hardworking draft horse named Boxer works so hard to support the revolution that he collapses. Napoleon sells him to a glue factory. The other animals are upset until Squealer, a skilled propagandist, convinces them that what they saw with their own eyes (the glue factory truck) isnt true. Life gets worse for the animals living on the farm. Meanwhile, the pigs move into the old farmhouse. They begin walking on their hind legs, drinking whiskey, and negotiating with human farmers. By the end of the novel, the animals cant tell the difference between the pigs and the humans. Major Characters Mr. Jones. The incompetent and cruel human owner of Manor Farm. He represents Czar Nicholas II of Russia. Napoleon. A pig who becomes an early leader of the revolution. Napoleon is greedy and selfish, and he slowly abandons any pretense of revolutionary fervor. He represents Joseph Stalin. Snowball. Another pig who becomes an early leader of the revolution, as well as as the intellectual architect of Animalism. Snowball is a true believer who attempts to educate the other animals, but power-hungry Napoleon drives him away in order to consolidate power. Snowball represents Leon Trotsky. Squealer. A pig who serves as Napoleon’s second-in-command. Squealer is skilled at lying, creating altered historical accounts, and disseminating propaganda. He represents Vyacheslav Molotov. Boxer. A strong, powerful draft horse who is dedicated to Animal Farm and the revolution. He works himself to death for the cause. He represents the workers of Russia who supported Stalin. Major Themes Totalitarianism. The revolution begins with principled ideas, but it is quickly co-opted by a power-hungry leadership. The pigs frequently lie and spread false historical accounts in order to increase their power. Ultimately, they rely on the ignorance of the masses in order to stay in control. Orwell uses this narrative to argue that without an informed and educated population, tyranny and despotism are inevitable. Corruption of Ideals. There are two kinds of corruption on display in Animal Farm. The first kind is the overt corruption of Napoleon and the other pigs, who become increasingly greedy as they acquire more power. The other kind is the corruption of the revolution itself, which loses any semblance of principle due to the other animals worship of Napoleon’s cult of personality. The Power of Language. Animal Farm explores how language can be manipulated to control others. The pigs invent stories, spread false historical accounts, and popularize propagandistic slogans in order to remain in control of the other animals. Literary Style Animal Farm is an allegorical novel about the Russian Revolution. Nearly every element of the novel represents a person, group, or event from the Russian Revolution. Within this political allegory, Orwell infuses a great deal of humor. His use of animals as stand-ins for historical figures sometimes has a comical, caricature effect (i.e. the representation of Stalin in the character of a pig). In addition, Orwell uses irony to demonstrate the ridiculousness of propaganda when viewed from an informed perspective. About the Author George Orwell was born in India in 1903 during the period of the British Raj. He was one of the most influential writers and thinkers of the 20th century and beyond. Today, Orwell is best-known for his novels Animal Farm and 1984, as well as his voluminous essays on politics, history, and social justice. Orwell’s influence is so significant that the word Orwellian is used to refer to anything thats dystopian and totalitarian in a similar way as the setting of 1984. Many of the concepts Orwell introduced have also entered the common vocabulary, including the well-known term Big Brother.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Personal journal entry 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Personal journal entry 4 - Essay Example However, the court identified that this kind of relationship can contain important traits of family that symbolizes the changing social situations. It is clear that the number of individuals that qualify to be a family under the law has expanded2. The case clearly demonstrated that due to the changing modern beliefs the two men living together were ‘family’. During the case, the court researched and confirmed a wide role meaning of ‘family’. The idea is a collection of combined attributes that can be looked at independently or as an entity. The meaning of family can be confirmed when one analysis the supposed roles discharged in the relationship3. The judges in this legal resolution held that a difference could not be seen by a same-sex couple staying together and the opposite sexes couple, in terms of affection and love4. In this case, Mr. Fitzpatrick succeeded on the basis of ‘assured’ tenant and not statutory tenant because he did not qualify as a spouse5. In addition, the ruling was made in consideration of the characteristics defined by the 1920 Act that were satisfied by Mr. Fitzpatrick and his partner that fell under the term
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
HR - Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
HR - Final - Essay Example The role of HR is changing fast with leapfrogging technological and marketplace advancements. The HR department’s primitive objectives were to ensure a smooth personnel management system, administration, hiring process etc. It was considered as a administrative overhead. The present day HR role is more strategic. It is directly connected to business success, revenues and opportunities being seized for organisational benefits and accomplishment of long terms and short term goals. (PWC, 2012, p. 1) As the industrial revolution began, it took the entire world in its grasp, changing and transforming work, its definition and the way people approached them. New roles got created starting from financial accountants, lawyers, executives, sales personnel, managers, administrators etc. Divisions such as Finance, Sales, Marketing, Legal, Accounts etc got created, roles got assigned to such departments and several designations like specialists, senior specialist, intern, contractor, proba tioner, part timer, summer worker etc got created. Human Resource Management in the 1800s or earlier involved clearly defined tasks such as recruitment, appointment with roles and responsibilities, observation during probation period, confirmation, appraisals, compensation and promotion. The scope of the Human Resource Management was limited and there was nothing as Strategic human Resource Management, as strategy was not required. What was important during the pre-industrial revolution and the pre-20th century period was finding the people with necessary qualification to do a particular job. Monopoly existed, competition was unimaginably less, organisation processes were simpler, goals were easier to comprehend and tangible. Therefore the Human Resources Arm either did not exist as a specific department or even if it did exist, it had limited scope and function. Work mainly had to do with a lot of physical exertion and there were very few main stream disciplines like: teaching, des igning, building, carpentry, plumbing, construction, electrical work, research, practising medicine, surgery, law, policing, agriculture, army and civic operations. As a result of the limited scope of work, Human Resource Management had limited things to deal with and was relatively underdeveloped. The real shift came into the picture form the 1900s when the very definition of work and profession started changing. After the industrial revolution, thinkers, entrepreneurs and leaders around the globe identified a tremendous potential for their respective businesses to flourish. The scope for growth given the industrial boom and technological leap was found to be immense. This needed information management. Thus the gradual change in the nature of work, its perception and treatment started. Work changed from the simple paper and pen based design, hand tooling of machines, laborious exercises of packaging, unpacking, in short Assembly Line work to knowledge work. A change in the Human M anagement Strategy followed. Fundamentals were changes. How work is defined and how people fit in to their roles, how organisations create and handle work, how businesses are run with the help of knowledge forever changed the system of the Human Resource Management System. With time HR departments became important entities in organisations, its effectiveness affecting the organisation’s performance, general perception, market value and reputation to a great extent. (Rai, 2012, p. 1) As organisations
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Steps in Hypothesis Testing Essay Example for Free
Steps in Hypothesis Testing Essay My research topic is a correlation study between quantity of water intake and number of sleeping hours for humans. I became interested in the topic when a friend of mine shared an interesting belief of his culture that drinking too much water can upset sleep. Although this is not the exact topic that I am choosing for this study, I believe that the groundwork for that research interest is to determine whether or not the average number of glasses of water that a person drinks in a day has any relationship with that person’s average number of sleeping hours. This is data that can be collected through a survey of at least 30 respondents to make the sample large. In following the 5 steps of hypothesis testing, my null hypothesis would be that there is no significant relationship between the average number of glasses of water consumed in a day and average number of sleeping hours (H0: à = 0) (Lane, 2007). This implies that my alternative hypothesis is that there is a significant relationship between the said variables (H1: à ≠0).The hypothesis will be tested at a 0.05 significance level. The statistic that will be used is the Pearson r correlation coefficient which will be computed using appropriate statistical software. Its probability value will be determined and compared against the 0.05 confidence level. If the probability value exceeds the confidence level, then the null hypothesis is accepted, and we can conclude that there is no significant relationship between the average number of glasses of water consumed in a day and average number of sleeping hours. If the p-value is less than or equal to the confidence level, then the null hypothesis is rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis.  Reference Lane, D. (2007). Steps in Hypothesis Testing. Retrieved January 24, 2008 from: http://davidmlane.com/hyperstat/B35642.html
Thursday, November 14, 2019
politicians personal lives Essay -- essays research papers
Politicians make decisions that affect our everyday lives to the very state of defense for our country, and the media seems to personify personal parts of their lives. Should the press be allowed to interfere in and report on political figures personal lives? Some say they should, the people have a rite to know how an elected office candidate acts on said persons casual life. Others argue it’s an intrusion on privacy. It is my belief that these people run our country, but they all have personal lives that should be respected for the following reasons dignity, respect, and even suicide. Â Â Â Â Â To begin with dignity is a base foundation of a person. Without dignity what good is a person’s word. Allowing the mass media to report on personal lives causes a direct loss of the subject’s personal dignity, and can lead to mistrust among voters and peers. When dignity is compromised scandals are allowed to run rampant. Scandals can affect a politicians public image, and voters and the general public may gain a misleading image of the candidate and ignore the person’s actual stance on issue therefore swaying voters to believe a false image. And example of this is the current president George Bush while his public image portrayed by the media is a redneck moron who used to do cocaine in 9/11 incident. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â In addition respect is the basic respect for people is what bui...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Ethical Issue in Bay Area Rapid Transit
The Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) case opened the eyes of engineers about engineering ethics in the United States. The Bay Area Rapid Transit began its operations in 1972 and served three counties in San Francisco Bay area. Months before the start of operation, three engineers pointed out the deficiencies in the control systems’ design and construction.The engineers were Holger Hjortsvang, who worked in the Automated Train Control System (ATC), and Max Blankenzee, a programmer analyst who worked for Hjortsvang.Hjortsvang, a systems engineer, noticed that BART lacked a systems engineering group to supervise the â€Å"development of control and propulsion systems†(Book Rags, 2006). They reported it to their manager, but he rejected it. At the same time, Robert Bruder, an electrical engineer, became aware of how his managers disregarded reports about shoddy work. The three engineers decided to bring their concerns to the Board of Directors through Daniel Helix, a board me mber.However, the Board rejected them and fired them without any written cause or appeal. In 1973, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Committee on Social Implications of Technology (CSIT) intervened by submitting a two-part resolution to the IEEE Board of Directors. The resolution called for IEEE mechanisms to assist engineers when they are placed in jeopardy, in conformity to their ethical principles. As such, the resolution called for IEEE to intervene for the three engineers. Through the IEEE U. S.Activities Committee (USAC), the Board commissioned an amicus curiae brief which aimed to articulate general principles but not to side with the engineers. Moreover, the brief convinced the court that when an engineer was dismissed in an effort to protect the public safety, his termination will be a breach to his employment contract. Afterwards, the engineers accepted a settlement of $75,000 (Book Rags, 2006). Reference Book Rags. (2006). Bay Area Rapid Transi t case. Retrieved December 10, 2008, from http://www. bookrags. com/research/bay-area-rapid-transit-case-este-0001_0001_0/
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Effective Literary Form of Foreshadowing
O’Connor effectively uses the literary device of foreshadowing to create an atmosphere of suspense for a family that is doomed. There are several hints that point to the fate of the family in both the overall theme of a world of change and chaos and in specific lines from the text. Death and doom are frequently discussed and certain descriptive phrases, as early as the first sentence lead a reader to believe that doom is impending. Specifically the grandmother and her choices and her description of choices all contribute to the foreshadowing.Her choice of dress and her reasons given for that is one example, as is the cat she chooses to bring and the animal’s role in the final event that leads to the death of the family. The Grandmother’s choice to take the dirt road and her mistake of direction is the final example of the foreshadowing that can be contributed to the reader’s sense of an almost inevitable and negative end. Firstly, the Grandmother does not wish to go on the trip, but agrees to go with certain pretenses. She refuses to leave her beloved cat at home while the family goes on their trip.The cat, â€Å"Pitty Sing†, is hidden in a basket as the Grandmother fears that the cat may die. O’Connor writes, â€Å"she was afraid he might brush against one of the gas burners and accidentally asphyxiate himself. Her son, Bailey didn’t like to arrive at a motel with a cat†(1135-1136). Her mention of both death and the inconvenience that bringing the cat would impose on the family shows both foreshadowing and irony, as the cat does cause an accident and inconveniences the family in the worst way.Both the concealed cat displayed by O’Connor as the Grandmother’s disregard for her family’s wishes and her lost sense of direction, as well contribute to the danger that the family is placed in. The dirt road that the Grandmother advises the family to go down is explained in detail in an ominou s manner and the plot turns even more ominous as she realizes that she has the wrong road. O’Connor writes regarding the character that a horrible thought came to her†¦her eyes dilated and her feet jumped up†¦ the instant the valise moved, the newspaper top she had over the basket rose with a snarl and Pitty Sing, the cat, sprang onto Bailey’s shoulder (1140). This incident does lead to a car accident on this abandoned, old road. Therefore, both the choice to bring the fateful animal and the choice to take the family in a wrong direction, sends a message of a foreshadowed and foreshortened future for the family.Finally, at the beginning of the story, when the cat is introduced into the plot, the Grandmother’s deception and dress are detailed. The foreshadowing of her outfit and accessories point to the fact that she has designed herself for death, in case that it comes. Her collars and cuffs were white organdy trimmed with lace and at her neckline she had pinned a purple spray of cloth violets containing a sachet. In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once she was a lady (1136).It should be noted that the idea or phrase of the word accident or accidental is used frequently in the story to show foreshadowing. In the citation with the cat and the uproar, there follows an automobile accident, where after the children scream several times both on pages 1140 and 1141, â€Å"We’ve had an ACCIDENT! †. The foreshadowing of the usage of accident is only paralleled by the actions leading to the family’s doom.In conclusion, O’Connor effectively uses examples of foreshadowing in â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†. Three of these examples illustrate this in the previous paragraphs and all tie in together to help the reader and literary critic understand that the story has deeper meaning and context than one may originally think. The frequent reference to accident or fear that something may happen accidentally all contribute to the undertones and overtones of death, deception, and doom in a world of change and chaos.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Find the efficiency of three different spheres Essays
 Find the efficiency of three different spheres Essays  Find the efficiency of three different spheres Essay Find the efficiency of three different spheres Essay Variables: Manipulated Variable: the type of ball used Responding Variable: height of the first bounce of the ball when it is dropped from 2m Controlled Variables: the force applied on the ball, the height at which the ball is dropped, flat surface Hypothesis: the efficiency of a sphere is going to depend largely on its mass and size, the less the mass and size, the higher that it will bounce, because the lesser the mass, the lesser amount of energy will be needed to push it up against the downward pull of gravity, and the smaller the size, the lesser friction air will create when it is bouncing up. This means that the golf ball is possibly going to be the one that bounces the highest and the most efficient, the tennis ball will bounce the second highest and the second most efficient, and the field hockey ball will bounce the third highest and the least efficient. Materials: * * golf ball * tennis ball * field hockey ball * a flat surface * 2 meter sticks * tape * electronic balance Procedures: 1. Mass each of the spheres using the electronic balance and record the mass 2. Use two meter sticks and tape one end of each together forming a 2m stick 3. Position the two meter sticks perpendicular to the ground and parallel to the wall, station them by taping them onto the wall 4. Drop one of the three spheres selected from 2m off the ground or the very top of the meter sticks 5. Watch and then record the height of the spheres first bounce 6. repeat step 4-5 for the other two spheres Observation: Type of ball used Mass of the ball(Kg) Height of first bounce, trial 1 (m) Height of first bounce, trial 2 (m) Height of first bounce, trial 3 (m) Average height of first bounce (m) Golf Ball 0.039 1.45 1.50 1.47 1.47 0.046 1.44 1.37 1.42 1.41 0.045 1.46 1.49 1.50 1.48 Tennis Ball 0.058 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.10 0.058 1.08 1.10 1.15 1.11 0.057 1.05 1.00 1.00 1.02 Field Hockey Ball 0.15 0.56 0.57 0.59 0.57 0.18 0.56 0.59 0.63 0.59 0.15 0.45 0.43 0.51 0.46 Analysis: Average Mass of Each of the Spheres Used Average Height of Each Spheres First Bounce When Dropped from Two Metres The Efficiency of Each of the Spheres Used Conclusion: The efficiency of the golf ball is 72%, which is the most efficient amongst the three balls, the efficiency of the tennis ball is 54%, and the field hockey ball is 27% efficient making it the least efficient amongst the three. The hypothesis was correct about the order in which the efficiency should be in. The size and mass may possibly have an effect on how efficient each ball each. Another factor that is also very important, but however not considered in the analysis is the material that each ball is made of. The amount of elastic energy of each ball was not considered in the experiment, and should be included. To find out how much the elastic energy of a sphere affects its efficiency, one has to find out the relationship between the elastic energy, the mass and the height of the ball and calculate to see how much difference this will make, and how important the elastic energy of a sphere is. An important error is that the height of each balls bounce may not be entirely accurate since the ability of the human eyes is limited and cant tell exactly how many metres the ball bounced. To minimize the effect of this error, several trials and the results of many people can be combined, and then the average amongst the results can be calculated.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What Should High School Students Do Over the Summer
What Should High School Students Do Over the Summer SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you a high school student or the parent of one and are wondering how high school students should spend their summers?Summer is a great time to relax and recharge, but it’s also an excellent chance for students to get work experience, do an activity they enjoy, and boost their chances of getting into a top college. Read on for everything you need to know about summeractivities for high school students and how to choose the best option. Why Is It Important for High School Students to Keep Busy Over the Summer? While you may want to spend your entire summer sleeping in and hanging out with friends, it’s important also to spend part of the time being productive and preparing for your future. Participating in an activity over the summer can help you get a great job or get accepted to a top college in the future, and being productive over the summer doesn’t have to take up all your time or be boring! Colleges and employers love seeing applicants who are motivated and interested in learning more. By keeping busy over the summer, you'll show them that you have what it takes to be a great addition to their school or workplace. There are a lot of ways high school students can spend their summer; read on to learn what your options are and how you can choose an activity that you will find useful as well as enjoyable. How Can You Decide What to Do Over the Summer? You probably have a lot of options for how you can spend your summer: you could lifeguard at your local pool, take some summer classes, attend a summer camp near you or in a foreign country, and more. How can you decide whatyou should do? Read through the list below and ask yourself these three questions: #1: What Are Your Goals for the Future? Do you want to get a good job? Get into a dream college? Think about ways you can spend your time over the summer to make yourself a strong candidate. Will getting work experience help? You may want to consider a job or internship. Are there classes you can take to strengthen your transcript? Summer schoolmay be a good idea. #2: What Do You Enjoy Doing? You shouldn’t spend your summer doing something that makes you miserable. Are there certain extracurriculars, such as a club or sport, that you enjoy and want to continue over the summer? Is there a summer job that sounds interesting or fun? Try to find activities that will be both useful and enjoyable for you. #3: How Busy Do You Want to Be? It’s absolutely possible to do more than one of these activities during the summer. If there are multiple activities you’d like to do, feel free to do them. However, make sure you don’t become too busy or overwhelm yourself. Remember, summer is still about taking a break from school, and you don’t want to return to classes in the fall feeling burnt out and exhausted. Whileit may be great for your tan, youdon't want to spend allsummer lounging at the pool. 6 Great Summer Activities for High School Students Below are six of the best activities high school students can participate in over the summer. For each one, potential benefits and drawbacks are given, as well as examples and ways to get more information. Under the â€Å"How to Stand Out†heading, I’ve also included ways to make this activity particularly impressive to colleges and employers. Job Description: It’s common for high school students to work over the summer. Having a job is a great way to get work experience that you can include on your resume and college applications, and it will earn you money that you can use to help pay for college or just for fun. Many summer jobs for high school students are part-time, but full-time jobs are also available, especially if you’ve already worked at that place before. Common summer jobs that high school students have include being a lifeguard, cashier, or camp counselor. Pros:Make money, gain work experience for your resume and college applications. Cons: Some high school jobs can be tedious and not very interesting, your job may not relate to the career you want. Learn More: To learn more about jobs high school studentscan get, read our guide on the eight best jobs for teenagers,as well as this guide that will help you decide if getting a job is a good decision for you. How to Stand Out: Like any other activity, your job will impress colleges more if you stick with it and increase your responsibilities. If you can work at the same job over multiple summers and get promoted or have your responsibilities increased, that will make the job look stronger on your college applications. If you are able to find a summer job that relates to a subjectyou want to study in college or get a future job in, that will also help show colleges what your interests are and that you can commit to them. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Internship Description: Like a job, an internship involves working for a company or organization. However, internships are often more closely related to your career interests, and you may not always get paid to be an intern, especially as a high school student. If there’s a place you’d be interested in working at or learning more about, you can contact them directly and ask if they hire interns. Your high school’s career center will also likely have more information about internships you can apply for. Pros:Gain work experience,learn more about careers you may be interested in. Cons:You may not make money,some internships involve mostly grunt work that doesn’t teach you a lot about the specific career field. Learn More: For everything you need to know about getting and doing well at an internship, check out our guide. How to Stand Out: If you can get an internship that relates to a future career you’d like to have or subject you’d like to study, that will show colleges that you have a realinterest in that field. Schools like students who are passionate about something, and showing your passion in your internship will help boost your application. For example, if you are planning on majoring in English, getting an internship at a publishing company or newspaper, along with strong English classes and related extracurriculars, can show schools that you’re serious aboutthat fieldand motivated to learnmore about it. Schools will see that as an indicator that you’ll be similarly dedicated to your college classes and activities. Classes Description: Taking classes may not be the most fun way to spend your summer, but they can help you stay on track in high school and prepare you for college. Some students take summer classes to improve their grades in a class they didn’t do well in the first time, some do it to take a class they wouldn’t have time for during the school year, and some use summer classes as a way to take college courses or advanced high school classes. Summer classes can be taken in a variety of ways, either through your high school, at a community college, through an academic program at universities, or even online. Pros: Strengthen your transcript, take classes you’re interested in, can help prepare you for college. Cons: Might be harder to motivate yourself to study during the summer, not the most enjoyable way to spend the summer. Learn More:For more information, check out our guide to summer classes for high school students.We also have guides for severaluniversityacademic programs, including Stanford EPGY, the Boston University Summer Challenge, and the National Youth Leadership Forum. How to Stand Out: If you’re able to, taking college classes over the summer can be a great way to become a stronger applicant. Having college classes on your transcript, even if they are only introductory classes at a community college, can boost your application by showing schools that you’re able to handle the rigor and workload of college. This is an especially good option if your high school doesn’t offer a lot of advanced classes and you want to strengthen your transcript. Hobbies or Talents Description: This is a broad category that can includesports, clubs, or other activities that you do either through school, with a local group, or on your own. Some examples include sports teams, clubs, or a hobby you do in your free time, such as painting, working on computers, or creating a small business. Colleges and employers like to see applicants who have outside interests and can commit themselves to a particular activity. Continuing your hobbyduring the summer is a great way to show that. Because you don’t have classes to attend, summer is an excellenttime to spend more time participating in an activityyou enjoy.Use this time to think about how you can become better at the activity or increaseits impact. For example, if you love baking, is there a way you can expand that hobby? Perhaps you could take a pastry course, have community bake sales, see if local bakeries are interested in working with you, or something similar.If you do your hobby with a group, such as a school club or sports team, and they don't meet over the summer, you can still become better at it by practicing on your own or joining a community group, if one exists. Pros:Can do an activity you enjoy, possibly move into a leadership position, show colleges that you can commit to an activity and have interests outside the classroom. Cons:This may not be the best way to strengthen your resume or college application if you don’t plan on continuing the activity throughout high school or aren’t spending a lot of time on it. Learn More: If you need help deciding which activityto pursue, check out this guide tohundreds of extracurricular examples.We also have a guide to starting a new club if your school doesn't offer an activity that you're interested in. How to Stand Out: Your hobby or talentwill be most impressive to colleges if you have participated in it for an extended time period, have achieved a leadership position or more responsibility, and arepassionate about it. For more information on how to do this, check out this guide with four examples of amazing extracurriculars. Summer can be a great time to get better at a sport or other activity you enjoy doing. Summer Camp Description: Summer camps aren’t just for making s'mores and going on nature hikes anymore. More and more summer camps for high school students are being created that have unique focuses such as cultural immersion, performing arts, wilderness skills, and more. For this article, summer camps differ from regular extracurriculars because, even if they focus on the same area such as a sport, camps offer a more intensive, structured experience over a set period of time. Many students attend these programs to learn new skills or improve skills they already have. For example, if you want to get better at a certain sport or start to learn a new language, a summer camp can help you immerse yourself in that subject and really focus on learning it since there are fewer distractions, and you’ll be surrounded by people with similar goals. Participants may receive academic credit if they attend a program that includes coursework. Most of these programs are in the US, but there is a growing number of international summer camps for high school students. Pros: Can give you a unique experience, you may get the chance to travel, can focus on a skill or topic that’s important to you, chance of getting college credit. Cons: Can be expensive, the number of academic credits you receive is usually not very much, you may get homesick if it’s a sleep-awaycamp, some programs are poorly put together and may not be very beneficial or enjoyable. Learn More: Check out our guides for sports camps, medical programs, and study abroad programs to learn more about someof these opportunities. How to Stand Out: Summer camps can vary widely in terms of quality and the activities that participants do, so it’s important to research a program before you enroll in it. Look for programs that reflect your interests, whether academic or otherwise. For example, if you want to be a doctor,try to find a science-based summer camp or a program that lets you learn more about what it’s like to study and practice medicine. This will help show colleges that you take your career path seriously and are genuinely interested in learning more about it. Volunteering Description: Volunteering is when you do work that benefits others without receiving payment. There are many places where you can volunteer including schools, animal shelters, retirement homes, museums, and more. Most volunteer work is done near where you live, but there are also opportunities to do volunteer work abroad during the summer. This can be donethrough your school, place of worship, or an organization that offers these programs. In addition to the benefit of helping others, it’s often possible to choose volunteer work that relates to your interests. If you enjoy working with children, love spending time with animals, or want to work outside, you can often find a volunteer opportunity that allows you to do just that. Pros:Knowledge that you’re helping others,can include it on resumes and college applications,may be able to volunteer at a place where you’d like to work in the future,can fulfill a volunteer requirement if your high school has one. Cons:You won’t get paid,some volunteer work can be repetitive and tedious. Learn More: Learn about the nine best places to do community service as well as the best volunteer abroad programs. We also have a guide specifically for students trying to decide if they should attend a volunteer abroad program. How to Stand Out: Just completing a few hours of volunteer work won’t impress colleges very much. In order to make your volunteer work stand out, you’ll have to work at the same place over a long period of time, obtain a leadership position, and make your passion and interests clear. Check out this guide for a more in-depth look at how to make your volunteer work impressive. Summary It’s important that high school students spend part of their summer actively working or learning in order to bewell prepared for the future. Fortunately, there are many activities to participate in over the summer that will fit your interests and circumstances. Think about what you enjoy, what you could improve in, and what your goals for the future are in order to decide what to do over the summer. Regardless of the activity you choose to participate in, you can make it more impressive to colleges by connecting it to your interests, gaining new responsibilities, and sticking with it for the long term. What's Next? Want to know how to make your extracurricular stand out even more? Check out this guide to four amazing extracurricular activities and learn why they're so impressive to colleges. Wondering when to start applying to colleges? We have a guide that will give you a complete college application timeline to follow to make sure you're on track! Thinking about summer school?Our guide explains what summer school is, what you'll be doing, and who should be enrolling in it. Summer school has more uses than you may think! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Annotated working Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Annotated working Bibliography - Essay Example The article (and page) is updated regularly and appears to be peer-reviewed. Dorothy Tuck McFarland is also a regular contributor to the Charters series of scholarly texts. In this article, she addresses nearly every aspect of O’Connor’s short story, including its connection to religious imagery. It is scholarly and peer-reviewed. Ioana Munteanu is a faculty member at the University of Targoviste and possesses an extensive knowledge and understanding of the work of Flannery O’Connor. This article examines numerous aspects of O’Connor’s religious perspective living in protestant Georgia and is well written and contains crucial information. Rosengarten, Richard A. â€Å"The Catholic Sophocles: Violence and Vision in Flannery O’Connor’s ‘Revelation’†. University of Chicago Divinity School, 2003. 14 June 2009. Richard A. Rosengarten is a faculty member of the University of Chicago. He has a vast knowledge of the work of Flannery O’Connor, as in this article he critically examines nearly all of her stories. It is scholarly and peer-reviewed, as is on the university homepage. Ralph C. Wood is a novelist who has written several books on the work of Flannery O’Connor. This book circles around O’Connor and her religious rivals and seeks to show the social and religious relevance of her work. It contains up-to-date information and critical insight. As the intertwining aspects of violence and religion continue to appear across America’s newspapers and our awareness of the world which currently surrounds us, O’Connor’s works tap the underlying issues plaguing many peoples since they were first
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